Is it time to get rid of your “UNWANTED TREASURES”? Has your car ever seen the inside of your garage? Did an appliance quit working and you need to get rid of it? Are you a landlord or property investor that needs to clean out a house or apartment? Did last night’s windstorm leave you with branches in your lawn? Has that old hot tub become an eyesore on your deck? Has your storage shed seen better days? Do you…? You get the picture, we haul away all sorts of STUFF. Not only will we haul it away, but we will also to the necessary demolition to haul it away.
Established in 2008 AC Trash Hauling & More is located in the heart of Hamilton County. Our focus is to assist individuals, landlords, and businesses looking for a cost effective and efficient solution to hauling and disposal needs. As we grew and we became better known in the community, our clients started asking for more and more services. Thus we grew from simply hauling away STUFF, and started to complete the light demolition/removal of hot tubs, mini-barns, play equipment, carpet removal and more. Our question for you is simple, “What Challenge Do You Have for Us?”
Many of our conversations with customers start out with “I don’t know if you can do this but…” Bring us your challenges.